TekInsight Inc.

Email: sales@TekInsight.com
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Services Overview
Secure Networks and Infrastructure
Application Development
Managed IT Services
  Network Administration
Infrastructure Configuration Management
Application and Database Management
Low-Cost Distributed Systems Management
Application Hosting

Managed IT Services

How do you provide a solid infrastructure and the applications your company needs to succeed in today's competitive economy - and do it all within a reasonable budget?

For all but the largest companies, you simply cannot afford to have on staff the kind of expertise it takes to manage and keep up with the pace of change in today's complex technology environments. And for smaller enterprises, it simply does not make economic sense.

Our Managed IT Services are designed to give you what you need, when you need it. Like just-in-time inventory, we offer you a very economical way to get precisely the resources you need, just when you need them.

We structure our services like a retainer. You schedule the hours you need on whatever frequency fits your needs - daily, weekly, monthly or longer. We offer a full range of skills on a fixed-price or time-and-materials basis. Either way, with TekInsight as your technology partner, we think you will be surprised at how cost-effectively you can manage your environment.

Check out our offerings listed at left...